Brain Vitals ®
BrainVitals is Neuroverse’s suite of FDA regulated medical applications that will be directed at different pathologies to provide telemedicine and hospital digital health solutions for:
Chronic disease management
Acute symptoms complementary integrative therapies management
At home monitoring & regular evaluation, reducing relapse and increasing early detection
Real-time intervention and automatic reports to both the user and the relevant clinical teams
Large scale measurements of therapeutic effectiveness
Cognitive rehabilitation & Neurofeedback therapies
PATENTS granted for the U.S., Canada, South Korea and China
Systems and Methods for Evaluation of Neuropathologies
(US 10258291B2; CA2888355C; KR102273684B1; CN104902806B)
Migraine is an extremely debilitating and common neurovascular brain disorder, characterized by episodes of severe headache, nausea, vomiting and intolerance to light and sounds, that may last for consecutive days. It impacts approx. 14% of the world’s population (36 Million Americans and over 300 Million people worldwide) with approximate costs of $ 17 Billion in the U.S. (with approx. $ 2 B in pharmacological treatments and $ 15 B in indirect costs, such as work absenteeism) and over 250 B worldwide.
Identified by the Global Burden of Disease 2010 as the 3rd most prevalent disability causing disease, one of the most disturbing aspects of migraine is the unpredictability of the attacks, contributing to a sense of lack of control over patients’ lives and precluding a preemptive or timely intervention that can lead to an improved therapeutic response.
This need led to Neuroverse’s pursuit of a Digital Health solution for this much needed disease chronic management problem.
Over the last several years, Neuroverse partnered with Prof. Isabel Pavão-Martins at an European medical school (Faculty of Medicine at University of Lisbon) using the BrainStation to conduct a telemedicine clinical study, which results were presented at both the U.S. and European most prestigious migraine clinical conferences with extremely positive feedback from clinical migraine key opinion leaders, and published in a clinical top peer-reviewed publication.
This scientific study reported the use of the BrainStation in migraine patients to at-home monitor and detect relevant modulations of the recorded brain signals approximately 24h preceding a migraine attack.
These results and intended solution were submitted and have successfully completed a FDA pre-submission process with a clear and rapid path to market.
Brain Vitals M ®
In today’s palliative care the systematic, and may times prolonged, use of pharmacological treatments for pain and anxiety relief (such as opioids and benzodiazepine) has caused severe unwanted side effects, including addiction. It is paramount to develop interventions that can at assist in potentially reducing the dose and duration of such treatments, while still providing the patients with the much-needed relief.
Neuroverse partnered with Dr. Jay Varughese at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), the Krupp Center for Integrative Research, Center for Integrative Medicine, Louie Schwartzberg Moving Art and the Jacobs Medical Center to conduct a study on the use of complementary integrative therapies in hospitalized oncology patients. The BrainStation system was used to monitor the behavioral and neural effects and control delivery of two integrative therapies ( aromatherapy and a digital mindfulness audiovisual intervention) on the levels of pain, anxiety and nausea of the hospitalized patients. This has been a 5 years study and the ongoing preliminary analysis is extremely encouraging for the potential use of integrative therapies in palliative care and the BrainStation technology as a brain monitoring and delivery management system tracking modulations of relevant brain biomarkers.
Neuroverse partnered with Dr. Justin Feinstein at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) to study the use and neural effects of Floatation-REST in intervention in both healthy individuals and Anxiety patients. The BrainStation system was used to record and monitor brain activity while the patients were in the floatation tank, as well as to assess neurocognitive metrics before and after the intervention. The results from this study are being written for publication and the overall striking effects of the Floatation intervention have been reported in several scientific peer-reviewed publications. The BrainStation neural assessment is being used for the characterization of the brain processes and determination of relevant biomarkers associated with anxiety states, as well as this therapeutic intervention effects.
Neuroverse partnered with Dr. Greg Light at the University of California San Diego for a study in the determination of reliable brain biomarkers for schizophrenia using a wearable EEG system, the BrainStation. The obtained results show that the BrainStation system successfully identified modulations of amplitude in three brain biomarkers associated with cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenia. Suggesting that this Neuroverse system has the potential to enable reliable large-scale assessment, that is not limited to medical centers. The results are being written for submission to a scientific peer-reviewed publication.